Disaster Relief, LLC helps homeowners who have suffered losses that are not insured - or not fully covered by insurance - as a result of federally declared disasters.

Taxpayers can claim a loss on their personal taxes for personal casualty losses resulting from federally declared disasters.

According to the IRS, loss is determined to be the lower of:

  1. The adjusted basis of the property, or

  2. The difference between the Fair Market Value of a home immediately before the casualty and the Fair Market Value immediately after.

The difference in Fair Market Value is determined by a competent Disaster Loss Valuation.

At Disaster Relief, LLC, we provide the estimate of the Fair Market Value of your home before the disaster, and the amount of loss you received as a result of the disaster.

That’s all you need.

Standard Price: $250.00

With this information, you or your tax preparer can file a claim as a deduction to be taken against last year’s tax liability or the current year’s tax liability.

This could help you find the money you need for home repairs - now!

What We’ve Achieved

From C.B, who lost her home to the Marshall Fire, Boulder County, CO in 2021:

“I addressed the issue of the tax ramifications of our loss with our CPA. His response was, “We’ve never done anything like this before”. When the opportunity to have Mark prepare a Disaster Loss report was offered, I did not hesitate to accept. I presented the report to our CPA, and he believes it will be very helpful in filing our taxes next year for 2022.

Those of us who have experienced the stress and difficulty of dealing with so many issues such as insurance, rebuilding, selling, etc., will need all the help we can get to handle our taxes next year. I am thankful to have this report and a “leg up” on what will help our CPA to accomplish the task.”

We responded to Hurricane Harvey in Houston, TX in 2017 by valuing all homes damaged by the hurricane. Thousands of victims were able to apply for tax refunds, based upon our loss estimates, that allowed them to begin the rebuilding process quickly and return to their homes faster than they might have otherwise.

“Sometimes serendipity happens.”

“It did when we made the acquaintance of Mark Verrett (Chief Appraiser at Disaster Relief, LLC) and learned of the extent of the loss that Hurricane Harvey had dealt us in the valuation of our home. Mark explained that the IRS provides for such events.  With his able assistance we got the necessary documentation the IRS required. Disaster Relief’s helpful and responsive efforts were keys to a successful outcome. We would not hesitate to recommend this services to others.”

Alan & Susan Woodyard” 

And this from a Victim of Hurricane Florence:

Thank you so very much!  I really can't express in words how grateful I am for you and your concern for us in the wake of Hurricane Florence and its destructive flood waters that have destroyed our house of 35 years.  At 78 years old, this has been very difficult.

May the Good Lord's blessings be on you, Mark, and with you in your very important work of encouragement in this way.  Thank you again.


Rev. J. R. ("Randy") Riddle

Note: Disaster Relief, LLC and its members and personnel do not provide tax or legal advice. Client should consult with qualified tax or legal professionals for advice or assistance with proper tax reporting and completion of tax returns.